Avada has several built in short codes to manage your media. Youtube and Vimeo videos can be used all throughout the sit and are fully responsive. Images and videos can open in a lightbox, and you can use Soundcloud for all your audio files. All of this is easily accessed via built-in short codes.

Lightbox Images / Videos

image 1

image 1

image 1

image 1

Youtube Videos


Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.
Mehr erfahren

Video laden

Vimeo Videos

Soundcloud Audio

Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von w.soundcloud.com zu laden.

Inhalt laden

Features and Customizations

  • All media elements are fully responsive
  • Lightbox: images and videos can be used in combination with any size column
  • Soundcloud meta options; comments, auto play, color, width and height
  • Youtube and Vimeo Videos only need video ID, width/height is adjustable